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Davidoff of Geneva

‘Davidoff of Geneva - since 1911’ is the destination of choice for those who wish to explore, discover, and enjoy the best in the world of premium cigars and cigar accessories. With six locations around the United States including three in New York City (Brookfield Place, Madison Avenue and Sixth Avenue) and nearly 70 around the world, the stores combine a luxury retail and lounge experience for the cigar aficionado and all who seek to fill their time beautifully. In addition to the world renowned Davidoff cigars, each store offers a carefully curated collection of Davidoff accessories that cater to the ritual of enjoyment and care of Davidoff cigars.



‘Davidoff of Geneva - since 1911’ has partnered with Time Crafters to create a showcase of the fine cigars and accessories for which it is known. A master cigar roller from the Dominican Republic will demonstrate the art of hand rolling cigars, surrounded by some of the company’s most elegant cigar accessories. From the Daniel Clément glass humidor – a true work of art created from thousands of pieces of hand-cut glass and mirror – to accessories, humidors, ashtrays, cutters and lighters from the exquisite Leather Collection, everything showcased illustrates Davidoff’s hand-crafted approach to and passion for the ritual of the cigar.